
Family Visits

We had a lot of family come up in June.  My sister Ellen and her boyfriend Danny came up at the beginning and I was HORRIBLE at taking pictures while they were here.  This is the only picture I have of them and Eleni, it was the night before they left and Eleni wasn’t happy about it.

Ellen and Danny Then Tyler’s dad, step-mom, uncle and cousin came up for the last weekend in June.  I did much better with the picture taking, as you can see.

DSCN0794They were here for three short days and we made the best of them.  Friday we went and walked around downtown Boise.  We went to the Capitol Building and walked around for a little bit.DSCN0756 This is Tyler’s cousin Hannah.  She is one of the only members of Tyler’s family that actually enjoys all of our animals.


We went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things and while we were there Eleni found this ball.  One of the advantages of being the only grandchild on one side of the family is that it’s hard for the grandparents to say no.  We have a common area behind our house and when we got home we went and enjoyed the sun and the new ball.

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We also took them to Zoo Boise and the World Center for Birds of Prey.  Patrick and Cassidy were able join us at the zoo and everyone had a good time watching the two girls together.

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At the Bird of Prey Center we were able to pet an Aplomado chick and John proved that grandparents will do just about anything to make their grandkids happy.

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They were great visits and hope to see everyone again soon.

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