
Big Girl Things

Eleni two steps closer to being a big girl.
She is eating big girl food.
And she is sitting up.

It's hard to believe that she is six months old. I'm looking forward to all the milestones that are coming up but don't want them to come at the same time. She is at a great and fun age right now and I wish I could bottle her up and keep her this way forever.


Tracy said...

Oh yes, SO MUCH FUN indeed!!! She is just so dang cute - makes it so easy to have so much fun with her!

Anonymous said...

if you bottle her up, send her to me!!!
so cute...
love you all

Beth said...

I know what you mean about bottling her up! They're to die for at that age! But I do have to admit, they are also fun a bit later on too . . .