
A Few Of Her Favorite Things

Eleni is now five months old, I know, hard to believe. She definitely has favorite things at this age though. She loves her pets. If it has fur and is within eye sight, then she will watch it until it goes away. The cats love it cause she "scratches" them while trying to grab their fur and the dogs just grin and bear it.
She also loves her fingers. If she doesn't have her tootser (pacifier) then it's the fingers that are in the mouth. (Don't worry we wash them after an encounter with the animals.)

She also loves her "jump-a-jump". you can put her in that thing and she will stay and jump for a good half hour. If you leave her alone for too long she will voice her displeasure but as soon as you turn the corner she is smiling and jumping again.


Faye said...

How cute is that!!! Jump-a-jumps are the greatest and it comes as no surprise at all that she likes animals. Duhhhh. Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

Tracy said...

Oh my gosh, she looks so old and SO like you Kelley!!! I miss her too much... been way too long.