
Three Months!!!

I can't believe Eleni is already three months old. Tyler and I are having the best time with her and love her so much. She is smiling like there is no tomorrow but has yet to laugh. I think she has maybe once or twice but I don't know. She is starting to reach for the toys on her activity mat and loves sucking on her hands and fingers for fun and the tootser (pacifier) for calming down. She is talking all the time now and has even had a 20 minute conversation with me. We are looking forward to her laughing and starting to roll over but I must say I am pretty happy that she is immobile.
We had her pictures taken at JC Penny and while we were at the mall we visited Santa. She may not remember it but we have proof it happened.


Kimi said...

OH MY GOSH that first picture is ADORABLE!!!!! What a fantastic smile she has! SO CUTE!

Faye said...

Unbelievable Kelley - absolutely unbelievable. what a cutie! From about 3 months on babies are nothing but fun and new things nearly every day. Enjoy! I can hardly wait.

Jamie said...

I LOVE that first picture of her. Way too stinkin' cute. I think she is looking a lot like her mommy. :)

elley faye said...

Om my gosh! She's the cutest thing!! I love her and miss her!!

Beth said...

Oooooh!! You got a pretty good Santa for your first one! Yay!