
A Name and a Blessing

In the LDS Church it is a customary thing to give a baby blessing. The purpose of the blessing is to celebrate new life as well as introduce the child's name into the church and bless the child with certain strengths and attributes to help them throughout life. Eleni's blessing was on November 1st and it was a wonderful day. I have seen a bunch of blessings, 10 of which were my own nieces and nephews, but it's a completely different feeling and experience when it is your own child. I want to thank Chip (my brother-in-law) for giving her the blessing and everyone who was there physically and in our thoughts, for making it such a wonderful day. Her dress was made as a gift by my friend's mother Alaura. It was absolutely perfect and all I had to do was show her a picture.
Here she is with Uncle Chip. Our bishop's wife made the sweater.
Here is all the family that was able to attend. Ellen and her boyfriend Danny were able to fly up from California for the weekend.
As the primary song goes, "We are a happy family."


Kimi said...

It is a wonderful thing, isn't it, to hear some of the things in store for your little one?

Eleni looks absolutely perfect and precious in her beautiful dress! And you definitely are a happy family. What an adorable daughter you have!

Anonymous said...

she looks like a little angel in that dress. keep the pictures coming...


Jamie said...

I love the dress. So simple and perfect. She looks wonderful. I have to agree with the feeling of having your baby blessed. Nothing at all like hearing someone else's child be blessed.

Tracy said...

Ah, Kelley, that was so sweet! What a wonderful day that was. So glad to be a part of it. We love you guys!

Faye said...

Thanks for the post. Smiled and felt warm and cozy through it all. So happy for all and wanted to be there so badly! No kisses and hugs for Eleni, however. I will take care of all of that on my own when I get up there! Loved clickin on a close-up of the family pic. Everyone is growing and changing so much. Can hardly wait!!!