
Best Friends

Tyler's best friend Patrick has a habit of copying what Tyler does. For example:

  • They will both randomly change their hair (on their head or facial) without telling the other and will end up the same cut the next time they see each other.
  • Have worked at the same place on at least three different occasions.
  • Moving to Idaho.
  • Finding out they were going to be dads within 6 weeks of each other.
  • Finding out they were both going to have girls.
  • Both of their significant others were planning on a natural childbirth but ended up having c-sections for the same reason, not fitting.

So after six weeks of waiting, Eleni got to meet what will most likely be her best friend, Cassidy Margaret Collins.

1 comment:

Faye said...

Hmmmm. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo (Think Twilight Zone - or am I dating myself?)

What cuties! I think I see Eleni having your eyes and Tyler's mouth. Can hardly wait!
